Free Board Management Software Vs Paid Software

With the variety of options available, choosing a board management program could be a daunting task. Some might have more features than others, but they’re not all made identical. Free software is appealing, but it’s important to consider the advantages of paying for a fully-featured solution.

A robust portal for boards will allow you to monitor accesses, downloads, and views. You should also be able to establish access and privacy levels to ensure that only authorized persons have access to your information.

With all the recent news about hacking and data breaches, it’s essential that the system your board employs has top-of-the line security. Unfortunately, the majority of free options do not rise to the same level. They provide low encryption (128 bits) or none in any way, making your company vulnerable to hackers.

Select a system which supports mobile devices so that it is easier to use on the move. It will be easier to keep in touch with your board members even if you’re not attending the meeting. You can also record for later reference of the discussions that occurred during each meeting. It should also provide simple tools for creating agendas, recording minutes and making it possible to vote and allow electronic signature collection. This will simplify workflows and increase productivity.